Ep07. 4 Years since I Lost 20Kg 减重20公斤4年后

This episode is not about personal finance. I realised I was a little overweight in 2019, hence deliberately lost 20kg of weight in 12 months. How did I do it, and how am I doing today after 4 years? I’d like to share in this article.


I was about 72kg in most of my adult time, but over time due to bad dietary habits and lack of exercise, my weight reached 75kg in 2019. I started to see beer belly and my energy level was also reduced. Finally I made up my mind to lose some weight and started to read health books and experimented different weight loss techniques.

How did I do?

The one book I found very useful was “Metabolism Revolution” from Hayley Pomray. She introduced a 14-day meal plan concept which includes tips like:

  • Eating small meals (5 times per day)
  • Avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, non-complex carbo (refined floor and rice)
  • Drinking a lot of water
  • Short cardio exercises
  • I will cover more in one of my future articles

I started my first meal plan and lost 3.7kg (from 75kg to 71.3kg) in first 14 days, another 1.6kg (to 69.7kg) in the next 14 days, by the end of 3 months I lost 11.3kg (to 63.7kg), and by the end of 10 months I have lost 16.7kg (to 58.3kg)!

Myself got too greedy and wanted to get even leaner. That’s when I started trying techniques like low-carb diet, intermittent-fasting, keto-diet, and tracking my macros. They brought down my weight to 55kg after 2 months, that’s 20kg weight loss since a year ago! But I found that lifestyle was too difficult to sustain, and my energy level was impacted, hence stopped practicing it.


After I gave up low carb and keto, I went back to about 60kg. In last 2 years my exercise intensity was also reduced and I am currently about 63kg. My goal is to maintain this weight since I am used to and fall in love with my current lifestyle.






  • 每餐少食(一天5餐)
  • 不吃加工食品,含糖饮料,非复式碳水(精米精面)
  • 多喝水
  • 开始做有氧运动
  • 更多内容以后我会介绍






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