Ep45. How to Practise Stoicism? 如何实践斯多葛哲学


I recently became interested in the achient philosophy of Stoicism and found it’s very aligned with how I live my life today despite the speed and stress in our modern society. Stoicism is a philosophical school of thought that originated in ancient Greece and was later embraced by the Romans. It emphasizes the development of inner resilience, self-discipline, and a mindset focused on accepting and enduring the challenges and uncertainties of life. Stoicism teaches individuals to cultivate virtue, live in accordance with nature, and find tranquility in the face of adversity.

Practicing Stoicism in modern life involves applying its principles and teachings to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world. Here are some ways to incorporate Stoicism into your daily life:

  1. Focus on what you can control: Stoicism encourages individuals to distinguish between what is within their control and what is not. Instead of worrying about things beyond your influence, direct your attention and efforts towards the aspects of life that you can change. This shift in perspective helps in reducing anxiety and frustration.
  2. Embrace the present moment: Stoicism emphasizes living in the present moment and accepting things as they are. Avoid dwelling on the past or anxiously anticipating the future. By being fully present and engaged in the here and now, you can cultivate a sense of contentment and clarity.
  3. Practice negative visualization: Stoics advocate contemplating the impermanence of things and imagining worst-case scenarios in order to cultivate gratitude and mental preparedness. By envisioning the loss of what we value, we learn to appreciate and make the most of the present.
  4. Develop resilience in the face of adversity: Stoicism teaches individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth and character development. Cultivate resilience by reframing setbacks as lessons, maintaining emotional composure, and persisting in the face of obstacles.
  5. Cultivate virtues: Stoicism places great importance on cultivating virtues such as wisdom, courage, temperance, and justice. Strive to develop these qualities in your actions and interactions with others. Act with integrity and align your behavior with your values.
  6. Practice self-reflection and journaling: Engage in regular self-reflection to assess your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Journaling can be a helpful practice to explore and evaluate your experiences, insights, and progress in aligning with Stoic principles.
  7. Seek tranquility in nature: Stoicism encourages connecting with nature as a source of solace and perspective. Spend time outdoors, appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and reflect on the vastness of the universe to gain a sense of humility and tranquility.

It’s important to remember that practicing Stoicism is a personal journey, and different aspects of the philosophy may resonate with individuals to varying degrees. Exploring Stoic texts and teachings from philosophers like Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius can provide further guidance and inspiration in applying Stoic principles to modern life.



  1. 专注于自己能够控制的事物:斯多葛哲学鼓励个人区分自己能够控制和不能控制的事物。不要为超出你影响力范围的事情而担心,将注意力和努力集中在你可以改变的生活方面。这种观念转变有助于减少焦虑和挫折感。
  2. 拥抱当下的时刻:斯多葛哲学强调活在当下,接受事物的本来样子。避免纠结于过去或焦虑地期待未来。通过完全投入和参与当下的时刻,你可以培养满足感和清晰度。
  3. 实践负面幻想:斯多葛哲学主张思考事物的无常性,并设想最坏的情况,以培养感恩和心理准备。通过设想我们所珍视的东西的丧失,我们学会珍惜并充分利用现在。
  4. 在逆境中培养韧性:斯多葛哲学教导个人将挑战视为成长和品格发展的机会。通过将挫折重新定位为教训、保持情绪稳定并在困境中坚持不懈,培养韧性。
  5. 培养美德:斯多葛哲学非常重视培养智慧、勇气、节制和公正等美德。努力在与他人的互动中发展这些品质。以诚实行事,将行为与自己的价值观保持一致。
  6. 进行自我反思和日志记录:定期进行自我反思,评估自己的思想、情绪和行动。记录日志可以帮助你探索和评估自己的经历、领悟和在实践斯多葛哲学原则方面的进展。
  7. 在大自然中寻求宁静:斯多葛哲学鼓励与自然建立联系,将其作为安慰和观察角度的源泉。花时间在户外,欣赏大自然的美丽,并反思宇宙的广阔,以获得谦卑和宁静的感觉。


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