Welcome to my blog! If you would like to improve your finances and wellbeing, here is the place for you. I am an engineering trained personal finance enthusiast. I live in Singapore with my wife and 3 children. Over the last 2 decades, through hard working, diligent budgeting, conservative investment, and a bit of luck, I’m on my way to financial independence. I’d like to share what I learned and hopefully some of this might help you in little way. I’m writing this blog in both English and Chinese. If you find my blog interesting or beneficial, please subscribe and share with your family and friends.
My Blog
I will be posting 1 to 2 posts per week, on some fundamental topics in personal finances and wellbeing. I plan to start with a ‘financial intelligence (FI)’ series (FI, is the 3rd most important intelligence of a person after IQ and EQ), as I feel there isn’t enough education and emphasis on this in our society today. Below are some topics I’ll cover in the next few episodes, so stay tuned!
- What is wealth
- Financial goals
- Budgeting and tracking finances
- Expense and saving
- Debt
- Protection (insurance and emergency fund)
- Investment
- Assets allocation and stocks/bonds
- Risk and diversification
- Interest rate and compound interest
- Retirement planning
- Psychology in finances
- Financial independence
- How do we teach our children about finances
- And more!
我会每周写一到两篇文章,关于个人理财的一些基本知识。我早期的重点会是关于‘财商’ (在智商和情商之外的一个很重要的能力),因为我觉得这个社会上关于财商的教育比较欠缺,也比较不被重视。下面几篇我会介绍下面一些内容,请静候!
- 什么是财富
- 财务目标
- 预算和盘点
- 开销和储蓄
- 债务
- 保护你的财产(保险和应急资金)
- 投资
- 资产组合和股票/债券
- 风险和投资多样化
- 利息和利复利
- 退休财务计划
- 公积金
- 财务心理学
- 财务自由
- 我们怎么教育孩子关于财务和金钱
- 还有更多其他话题!
For other topics on financial intelligence, you can find it here https://nickandmoney.com/category/fi/
Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/nickandmoney
nick and money – improve your finances and wellbeing