Ep30. Three-Fund Portfolio 三基金投资组合

The best investment strategy is a strategy that is simple, straightforward, and easy to implement and execute. One of the popular approaches is the ‘Three-Fund Portfolio’. In this portfolio, you just need to hold three index funds, and regularly invest in them to maintain your desired portfolio composition.

1st Fund

The first fund is your domestic stock index fund. This is the fund that represents your country’s stock market. If you live in Singapore, there are a few STI index funds that you can purchase. They all represent the biggest public companies in Singapore and in a broader sense they represent the local economy.

2nd Fund

The second fund you should hold is the international stock index fund. In this fund, you will get exposure to international stock markets. This is a good way to diversify your investments and reduce your risks, as putting all your stock investments in your own country’s market can be risky too. In London Exchange, there are a few good international index funds that you can choose from.

3rd Fund

The third fund is your fixed-income fund. This is the fund that helps to lower your total investment volatility so you don’t ride a roller coaster every day. This can be a total bond market fund, or simply savings bond or treasury bills.

Once you have the three-fund portfolio set up, the rest is just execution. Each month (or quarter) you just need to buy in these three funds. Once a year do a rebalancing to keep to your desired stock-to-bond and domestic-to-international ratios. You are on your way to financial freedom.

最好的投资策略是简单、直接、易于实施和执行的策略。 一种流行的方法是“三基金投资组合”。在这个投资组合中,您只需持有三支指数基金,并定期投资于它们以维持您想要的投资组合构成。

第一只基金是您国内的股指基金。这是代表本国股票市场的基金。如果您住在新加坡,您可以购买一些 STI 指数基金。但他们都代表着新加坡最大的上市公司,从更广泛的意义上说,他们代表着当地的经济。


第三只基金是固定收益基金。该基金有助于降低您的总投资波动性,让您不必每天都坐过山车。 这可以是债券市场基金,也可以是储蓄债券或国库券。



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